Always more frequently, in the enterprise, today we have the need for human-like behavior from the computer systems. The complexity and amount of information available today, in fact, needs a kind of management that goes beyond the linearity of their systems now dated, composed of relational databases and queries on them made with limited languages.
The requirement that you feel most is the ability to combine and interleave data available, depending on the questions you need without having to change anything in the archives or applications. We need, therefore, computer facilities (called 'neural networks') able to make decisions based on the experience and not on algorithms predefined and static. In addition, the intrinsic ability of these networks to work in parallel, allowing them a processing speed in real-time massive amounts of data.
Accord, combining fuzzy logic and neural technologies, will help you to extrapolate from your data only information you need, simulating selection criteria proper to man, but with the timing and accuracy of a computer. |